Heartbeat in the scope


Established Member
Jul 27, 2021
Shelby co alabama
I recently obtained a Springfield waypoint, carbon fiber barrel version. This is the only rifle I have that my heartbeat is so exaggerated in the scope that it will move off target. I control my breathing , tried pads etc… Anyone have remedies for this? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Frank Thompson

Veteran Army & Air Force
Premium Member
Feb 14, 2017
Auburn, Al
Yes, control your breathing and Do No eat or drink any carbohydrates 3-4 hrs. before you hunt. Carbs makes your heart beat faster and 'harder' since its moving faster. In military we were told to hold our breath, then fire, but then I noticed if I Also, checked my heart beat.....that l shot better. This is all 'Bench'' shooting, iron sights, when your in pursuit, Ha!! all rules can be thrown out,,,and,,,,,,,l noticed you posted this later last night...Get ready for Many people giving advice on this Subject,,,,it's like an Opinion-everybody has one and theirs works for them-great- pick one and try.
Hope this helped, my Opinion, HA!
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Established Member
Mar 20, 2021
Yes, control your breathing and Do No eat or drink any carbohydrates 3-4 hrs. before you hunt. Carbs makes your heart beat faster and 'harder' since its moving faster. In military we were told to hold our breath, then fire, but then I noticed if I Also, checked my heart beat.....that l shot better. This is all 'Bench'' stuff, when your in pursuit, Ha!! all rules can be thrown out,,,and,,,,,,,l noticed you posted this later last night...Get ready for Many people giving advice on this Subject,,,,it's like an Opinion-everybody has one and theirs works for them-great- pick one and try.
Hope this helped, my Opinion, HA!
What power do you have the scope set on?


Established Member
Sep 26, 2021
If you can see it in your scope it will show in your groups. I've shot many groups, especially with lighter guns, that grouped on paper as two distinct groups. We rarely find the true precision of light guns, just the best we learn to shoot them. You can try to time the shot between beats. Or you may have more luck trying to minimize contact with the gun as you shoot it, ie free recoil. I only use this on light caliber or heavy guns. A happy-medium for your gun may be to get a shoulder pad to buffer your hearbeat but still maintain some control of your rifle. On the bright side as we age and our heart weakens we may shoot some incredible groups before we pass.

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