September 11th 2017


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
As we wathc the storms blow in and we keep Texas in our Prays and continue to pray for Florida and we look forard to where Tropical Storm/Hurricane Irma lands on whats in its path I would like to take a moment and remember 16 years ago.

September 11th 2001 started a war and lite the fire that bonded the US into Hope. Race, wealth, job title did not matter anymore and one helped another without thinking of themselves. As you go through your day and meet new people, see your family, or help of neighbor. Think of the ones the were in the towers, on the planes, on the ground that will never get that chance again to hug a son or daughter. See their wives, take a trip with the family.

We will always remember.